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|Product LifeCycle Planning Framework - Mgt. Report Development Phase

The ‘Product Development Phase’ of the Product Management Process follows sequentially from the ‘Conceptual Planning Phase’. As the heading suggests the primary deliverable of this phase is a product offering which has been designed (at an agreed cost) to meet the exact requirements of the pre-defined market with any deviations in specification and or costs managed and appropriately reported.


Market research and intelligence studies continue throughout this phase complementing the prerequisite product requirements and definition studies. This leads to a definitive product specification (agreed by all stakeholders – incorporating a QFD study) being produced. This is followed by an agreed product development plan and a process of managing deviations (internal and external) and risks on route to a fully delivered product offering.


The StageGate™ development process and mandatory risk assessment elements are prerequisite / integrated part of the ‘Development Phase’ and is complementary to the additional activities associated with compiling the ‘Product Business Plan’.


The business plan and related process elements ensures that all functional areas of the business are represented in a timely and proactive manner. The format also enables the Product Manager to manage with a degree of authority the multi-disciplinary team by a process of functional objectives and associated strategies.


In common with all other phases a situational analysis study (a continuous review of the market environment) followed by a strategic review of business opportunities continues throughout the ‘Development phase’ with any deviations (from previous expectations) recorded and appropriately reported ( parallel with the StageGate™ process).


In parallel with the latter stages of the ‘Development Phase’ a ‘Product Manual’ is compiled (semi-automated process) covering technical details of the product itself, the intended market(s) and all internal related aspects, strategic or otherwise. The ‘Product Manual’ is a ‘reference’ manual for the product / service and is strictly for internal use only and remains with the associated product until withdrawal.


The Development Phase incorporates the following (primary) management activities;


    • Stakeholder Management  (multi-disciplinary) ~ membership phase related.

    • Management through the ‘StageGate™ development process’.

    • Strategic Market Analysis Review.

    • Product launch plan defined and agreed.

    • Product / Process issues identified and resolved.

    • Product Business Plan conformance and update.

    • Reporting project status / recovery plans to Mgt.

    • Produce / Compile the Product Manual

    • Business Review ~ Peer review group meeting.

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