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Strategic Intent objectives / strategies defined and cascaded with military precision. There are 5 defined TouchPoint groups that interactively cover the entire Product Management activity. Complete management control.
“…Best Practice Product Management requires both pro-active and
timely management of the product TouchPoints…”
TouchPoint methodology is both fundamental and instrumental in the management of multidisciplinary teams throughout the Product LifeCycle. TouchPoints are active nodes across all defined PMM phases and as such become a core activity of Product Management.
The purpose and objective of each TouchPoint is to cascade/deliver ‘strategic intent’ in the most efficient and effective way possible. In total, there are five defined TouchPoints covering every aspect of the Product Management Activity. The TouchPoints are defined as: Programme Management, Strategic Planning, Marketing Environment, Internal Efficiency and Innovation. Each of these TouchPoints are representative of multidisciplinary teams, whereby functional owners are defined and objectives managed accordingly.
Arcturus7 architecture & content : Steve Heron, IPM
Creative Culture Assessment
Cultural Variations
Hidden talents are revealed to us through our creative imagination. Just as we may say to ourselves ‘never in a million years could I do that’ – because we recognise our limitations, so we imagine what we could do well – given the opportunity.
Remember that talent is innate, it is natural ability. All living creatures need specialised talent to survive. Human beings are especially talented in:-
Creative thinking gives us the potential to find personal happiness and fulfilment through the realisation of our natural abilities.
Every human being is born with a range of talents, just as all living creatures are born with specialised talents. For example, birds that sing, fish can swim, monkeys can climb and so. All of these talents are natural skills that enable the creatures to adapt and survive in their own particular environment. Human beings on the other hand have the ability to create and adapt their own environment as for example: to write books, to paint, to compose music and play musical instruments, to fly, to go under water, to explore the planets, to build cities and so on. In other words, human beings are multi-talented.
All of these talents have been developed through our human creativity combined with a natural physical dexterity applied with intelligence. Whilst everyone possesses a range of talents, by virtue of being human, we cannot be good at everything. But by the application of the Seven Attributes we can develop perhaps just one talent to its highest potential level so as to give us a competitive advantage in that one specialist field.
Some people are naturally gifted so that everything seems to be easy for them, most of us however have to work hard to develop what talents we have. The secret is to discover our ‘menu’ of talents and then choose from that menu the one or two talents that we can really work at to develop in the most effective way.
How can we discover what hidden talents we possess, that perhaps if developed, could transform our lives and prospects?
The clue is in the first of the Seven Attributes: ATTITUDE.
Attitude is a way of thinking that is directional. Our attitude towards people and things incline us to think favourable of them or turn us away. An attitude is a mental inclination, a disposition or a tendency to attract or repel us.
We are attracted towards people and things for which we have an affinity or natural liking or agreement. How often have we seen someone or something we admire and say ‘I would love to be able to do that or be like that’. Or one the other hand: ‘I couldn’t do that or be like that for all the money in the world’.
We are expressing our natural feelings about these subjects that give us a guidance to our own tendencies and talents. In seeking to discover our range of talents, we can discount all of those things we genuinely dislike doing and could not imagine ourselves doing under any circumstances. We can make a reasonable assessment, based on self-knowledge, of those things we find attractive but for which we know we do not have any ability.
This leaves us with the things we admire and believe that given the opportunity and commitment, we may be able to do well. These are those talents for which there is a development potential.
Be on the lookout for those people, activities, events, situations, objects that you admire and find interesting. Assess your TDP for each in your mind. Imagine what it would be like to be like those people and in the imagination practice doing those things that make those people attractive and interesting.
Above all be practical and realistic through self-knowledge.
Cultural Features - Team Assessment
Research has shown there are common features that describe what it is like to live and work in any culture, traditional or modern. As we wish to build these cultural values into our own organisation, so we can use the features as a guide to cultural team building.
8 Cultural Features - Cultural Measurement for High Performance Teams
1. Distinctive
2. Satisfying
3. Protective
4. Inclusive/ Exclusive
5. Objective/Subjective
6. Instructive
7. Continuous
8. Creative/Innovative
Arcturus7 architecture & content : Steve Heron, IPM
The principles of best practice Product Management lies in a robust planning structure. The principles of the PM methodology ensure that any product/project falls into one of the following time related phases. This enables a common set of process deliverables to be defined as follows:
Arcturus7 architecture & content : Steve Heron, IPM
Arcturus7 architecture & content : Steve Heron, IPM